Sopheano Phan

Age: 11 | Grade: 5 | Birthday: February 28, 2012

 I am in the 5 grade and live in Khdey Takoy village outside the city of Phnom Penh. My favorite color is black, and I like to help my mom around the house. I enjoy going to Sony and Kim’s classes to study Khmer and English language and to play with the other kids. I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up. I live with my mother, my father, my brother, and my sister. My father works as a police officer, and my mother stays home to cook and clean and take care of the family. It is hard for my father to make enough money for my family to have food and education and pay all of our expenses. Your sponsorship would allow me to go to school at Beltei to get a better education.


Reaksa Yon Kong | 11


Long Ros Thy | 12